The wing-tagging of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos is a joint research project between the University of Sydney & the Australian Museum.
Our aim is to assess the size of the cockatoo population, it's site-loyalty and movements within (and beyond) the Sydney region. We will also investigate the birds behaviour, particularly in association with breeding.
The study commenced in September 2011 and we are regularly resighting tagged cockies within the Garden and we have been pleasantly surprised by the number of reports we are receiving of tagged cockies from around Sydney (see general information below). Reported locations include Queens Park, Bexley and several northern suburbs (Kirribilli, Manly Vale).
If you see a tagged cockatoo please report your sighting via:
- Web-app (bookmark this page on your smartphone, tablet or computer),
- iApp: Wingtags OR
-; include the date, time, street name and suburb where you saw the bird.
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