By Ruslan Kulski · · From Whadyaknow?
Attract native animals into your backyard
There are many positive effects, both for you and for the animals, if you bring your garden to life by attracting native animals to your backyard.
The animals find a safe haven in an otherwise harsh urban or suburban environment. You get back to nature in the comfort of your own backyard.
A coffee, a cake, and koala companionship.
Well, Zac Webb didn't get around to the koala tutorial just yet, but he did make three turorials on how to attract lizards, possums and frogs into your yard.
You can also find the tutes by following the links below, as well as a brief interview and a very handsome picture of Zac here.,
Zac Webb is the Aborigial Natural Resource Manager at the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, and is always interested in fielding questions regarding fauna native to the South West. He can be contacted through the SWCC website.
Published 23 Feb 2011.
Would you like to make your garden a haven for native fauna, such as lizards, possums and frogs?
Zac Webb has made some video tutorials to help us connect our backyards with the bush.
If you have you ever considered transforming your backyard into an oasis for native fauna, then join Zac Webb, the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, for this brief video tutorial. The simple tutes contain hints and tips on changing your garden to provide a safe and attractive habitat for native fauna.
Zac recorded and edited the audio for these tutorials himself, and added the photos in a video editing program.
You can also find the tutes by following the links below, as well as a brief interview and a very handsome picture of Zac here.,
Zac Webb is the Aborigial Natural Resource Manager at the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, and is always interested in fielding questions regarding fauna native to the South West. He can be contacted through the SWCC website.
Published 23 Feb 2011.
Would you like to make your garden a haven for native fauna, such as lizards, possums and frogs?
Zac Webb has made some video tutorials to help us connect our backyards with the bush.
If you have you ever considered transforming your backyard into an oasis for native fauna, then join Zac Webb, the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, for this brief video tutorial. The simple tutes contain hints and tips on changing your garden to provide a safe and attractive habitat for native fauna.
Zac recorded and edited the audio for these tutorials himself, and added the photos in a video editing program.
Would you like to make your garden a haven for native fauna, such as lizards, possums and frogs?
Zac Webb has made some video tutorials to help us connect our backyards with the bush.
If you have you ever considered transforming your backyard into an oasis for native fauna, then join Zac Webb, the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, for this brief video tutorial. The simple tutes contain hints and tips on changing your garden to provide a safe and attractive habitat for native fauna.
Zac made this tutorial with the help of ABC Open producer Ruslan Kulski for the ABC Open project, 'Whadyaknow?'. Anyone can participate. You too can share your skills, tips and tricks. Zac recorded and edited the audio and added the pictures in a video editing software.
Zac Webb has made some video tutorials to help us connect our backyards with the bush.
If you have you ever considered transforming your backyard into an oasis for native fauna, then join Zac Webb, the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury, for this brief video tutorial. The simple tutes contain hints and tips on changing your garden to provide a safe and attractive habitat for native fauna.
Zac made this tutorial with the help of ABC Open producer Ruslan Kulski for the ABC Open project, 'Whadyaknow?'. Anyone can participate. You too can share your skills, tips and tricks. Zac recorded and edited the audio and added the pictures in a video editing software.
Zac is the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury. He made this tutorial with the help of ABC Open producer Ruslan Kulski for the Open project, 'Whadyaknow?', in which people are asked to contribute and share their skills, tips and tricks. Zac recorded and edited the audio and added the pictures in a video editing software.
Attract native fauna to your backyard with these tips from Zac Webb.
23 February, 2011 By Ruslan Kulski
Have you ever considered transforming your backyard into an oasis for native fauna?
If the answer is yes, join Zac Webb for these brief tutorials on changing your garden to provide a safe and attractive habitat for native fauna, such as lizards, possums and frogs.
Zac is the Aboriginal Natural Resources Manager for the South West Catchments Council in Bunbury. He made this tutorial with the help of ABC Open producer Ruslan Kulski for the Open project, 'Whadyaknow?', in which people are asked to contribute and share their skills, tips and tricks.
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