The 60 Minutes report did nothing to salve the current hysteria over bats but it did highlight the inadequacies of successive Governments and their lack of education to communities regarding disease transmission.
The Qld Gov have some issues that need urgent attention and the tragedy of Lincoln Flynn’s death must never be repeated. Did you know that in 2008, the then Qld Government squandered the opportunity to educate communities when they received a Federally funded grant to work on an education strategy that would benefit all Queenslanders? Instead of being used for vital public education, the funding was spent on studies reviewing crop mitigation alternatives such as lights, sounds and physical taste deterrents. Money earmarked for public education was wasted on research that had already been done.
Why won’t the Government prioritise community education? Why isn’t the Government leading by example and respecting our essential forest pollinators and also being responsible enough to disseminate factual and important health information? Why isn’t the Government telling people that any interaction between bats and unvaccinated humans may have serious consequences so people must seek medical attention quickly?
After attending several community education days over the past weekend, diseases and their transmission are the most commonly asked questions by the public. People want and deserve the truth. Once the truth as been explained, most people understand that if you don’t touch bats, you have nothing to fear from them but if there is an interaction at least these people know to seek urgent medical attention. Why is the onus on unpaid, unfunded and overworked volunteers to spend their weekends out educating the public? Why isn’t the Government shouldering their responsibility and preventing these incredibly rare incidents from ever occurring again?
There is a vaccine if you are bitten or scratched by an infected animal that is 100% protective provided it is given before symptoms develop. Nobody should ever die from ABLV. Over you Mr. Powell - , Mr. Newman - , and Mr. Springborg (Qld Health Minister) -
#EXTRAMINUTES | Are we being too harsh on the bats? Watch an intv with Louise Saunders - Bat Conservation & Rescue
comment from
Thankyou for your report on Lyssavirus. We live in an area that bats are common like they are in so many places in Qld. The first thing I did after your segment was to sit both by 5year old and 12 year old and tell them if you ever come into contact with them you need to tell me. Also prior to your story I would not have known to seek medical help and what to ask for. We live in Brisbane and our night sky is full of bats so our population needs to know unlike the poor family in your story what to do if you do come into contact with a bat. I'm not anti bat and don't want them gone but we living near the bats need to know this information. As a kid 20years ago, a friend and I rescued a bat that had got entangled in a fence around our high schools cricket practice. Behind my old high school lives a masive bat coloney. As an animal lover, as my children are I did not think twice about rescuing the animal and taking it to the local vet. My kids need to know that they shouldn't touch it due to the potential risk of Lyssavirus and thanks to your story I now know and so do they. It's a shame that it takes for a little boy to die for the word to get out, but for us that live with bats we need to know these facts
i encourage u all to head on over to and "like" the postive posts about bats. also, if u can, "like" some of the comments.
we need to get the 'extra' interview with Louise on TV. not just on YouTube/website.